Monday, September 10, 2007

Yucky weekend

Okay so we are battling the nasty runny nose and cough again!! So much so we missed church yesterday thinking maybe if we just stayed home and in that it would get better. Well she slept good last night but still has a yucky cough and nose this morning. Going to wait and see how she is today as to if we go to the doctor or not. Might go tomorrow and miss the Monday sick madness.
On a lighter note Chloe has found purses. She loves them! She will walk around with one on each arm all day! She hasn't figured out she can put things in them yet but give her time. And she now loves to color. We went to the park the other day I will see if I can get the pics to post.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Chloe's Little Brother

Been catching up from the long weekend and just saw some of the cutest pictures of Chloe's little brother Jayden. His mommy and Daddy have been in Guatemala visiting him this week. I am so happy for them and I know Jayden is so loved. I think he favors Chloe a lot. BTW, Williamsons, just a fair warning Chloe was a good sleeper in the beginning too. But be prepared it all changes!!!! Check out their blog and see if you think the kiddos favor each other. You can find them at Buenes Noches

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Some more pics

She is such a ham...but we love her so much. Its hard to believe she is already one. Time flies when you are having fun.

It worked!!

Okay it was a success. Now I am going to try to load pics of Chloe for all to see. That is one of her one year old pics...will see if I can do it again for other poses.

Joining the blogging world

Okay...I conceeded. I am officially joining the blogging world. This will encompass day to day life of our family of three. I hope to maybe go back in time some and record things here for Chloe to have concerning her adoption. We have been home nine months. Let's see if this works.